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[OM] Advice on 90/2 lens repair - broken off metal piece on reat

Subject: [OM] Advice on 90/2 lens repair - broken off metal piece on reat
From: "Brian Swale" <bj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 20 Jan 2010 00:50:43 +1300
Ian wrote
> Sadly while changing a lens today my 90/2 fell to the ground bending a
> part at the rear, I foolishly tried to straighten it by pushing and it
> flew off, fortunately  I found the piece, is this a case for walts epoxy?

Ian, my first thoughts are that this is quite unfixable. To save you the agony 
of having to look at it day after day, why don't you just parcel it up and send 
it to me; I can use it suitably as a paper-weight   ....   or something.

I'll even happily refund the cost of postage! :-))

Brian Swale. 
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