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Re: [OM] [OT] new Canyon 1d Mk

Subject: Re: [OM] [OT] new Canyon 1d Mk
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2009 19:13:22 -0400
I can tell you that one has to learn to think differently when one has 
workable very high ISO available.  A couple of weeks ago I attended the 
wedding of a friend's daughter which was held in a very large, old stone 
church.  The ceilings were oak paneling about 40 feet up.  I watched the 
two young women doing the photography and at first thought them to be 
nuts.  They were shooting with Canon 5D Mk IIs, 24-70/2.8 IS lenses and 
580EX II flash units.  I could tell that the flash units were on and 
they appeared to be bouncing the flash off the 40 foot high dark 
ceiling.  I thought they were crazy.  No, more than crazy.  Just plain 
nuts.  Afterall, the light would hardly reach that 40 foot high ceiling 
let alone be reflected back.

But crazy they were not.  After the wedding I spoke to them and 
discovered that they were shooting at ISO 4,000 and very deliberately 
bouncing off the high ceiling.  I don't know what shutter speeds they 
were using but, given the IS lenses I would guess 1/15 to 1/30 second. 
I was so impressed I took my own camera back into the church as the 
people were filing out and took a couple of test shots and duplicated 
the conditions as best I could.  The only lens I had with me was a 
Tamron 24-135/3.5-5.6.  I took two test shots both at ISO 3200, 1/100 
second at f/3.5.  The only difference between them is that one has by 
Canon 540EZ flash bounced at full power off the ceiling.  I was amazed 
at how much additional light showed up.  With their gear they could 
easily have been 2 stops ahead of me.  Here are my samples:
<http://www.chucknorcutt.com/High%20ISO%20bounce%20flash/index.htm> They 
  are converted from raw just as they were shot.  No exposure 
adjustments and not even any white balance adjustments to correct for 
the daylight setting.  Adding 2 more stops and correct color balance 
would produce excellent images.

I was impressed and realized that I was still mentally stuck with the 
capabilities of ISO 400 film.  :-)

Chuck Norcutt

AS wrote:
> What the heck would someone do with ISO 12,800 (extendable to ISO 102,400)? 
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