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Re: [OM] National Parks

Subject: Re: [OM] National Parks
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 02 Oct 2009 19:52:36 -0700
Willie Wonka wrote:
> Naaaaaaaaah,
> You gotta come to the Northeast, we all talk like that, some of us with an 
> accent...:)

The annoying thing was that the pronunciation of "Mt. Desert" was 
completely mixed in the segment on Acadia NP. Early on, they explained 
why it's pronounced like dessert, the sweet after dinner, not desert, 
the arid countryside (something to do with French.) Then the main 
narrator, Peter Coyote, and some of the others proceeded to pronounce it 
in contradiction to the explanation.

Locals here pronounce it like dessert and the Acadia NP brochure agrees.

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