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[OM] Hi Res film scans on a CD

Subject: [OM] Hi Res film scans on a CD
From: usher99@xxxxxxx
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 2009 23:32:08 -0400
A few reports on the list that the Costco scans aren't bad--at least on 
the same continent.   More often than not I get mine scanned on the 
Fuji Frontier at 6X9 at 300dpi---that is not their usual scan but they 
through it in for me. (about 9 bucks per 36 roll for everything and 
index print for the 4X6's and CD.
The medium sized prints can be very nice from the Frontier but the 
scans are so-so.  The ektar 100 scans well  enough so that it is fine 
for  most purposes for me till I have time to do something about it.



I relied solely on costco scans for a few years but then got an epson
V700. Now I generally prefer my own scans, but I still get costco scans
as they are handy for screening and sometimes they still win out.

Russ Butler (NJ USA)

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