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Re: [OM] Nathan's PAD 20/05/2009: boring lens tests ;-)

Subject: Re: [OM] Nathan's PAD 20/05/2009: boring lens tests ;-)
From: Andrew Fildes <afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 00:34:45 +1000
More than skin texture - there's angles, shapes and the definition of  
muscles and tissues under the skin.
There are some exquisite curves and shapes in the body although most  
models have some challenges - such as a thin torso but with large  
butt and thighs - you need to compensate.
Also there is overall body shape and various level of distortion from  
lenses - I have a decent sized room but you can't really get far  
enough back to use a longer lens for full body.
There's no benefit in even lighting and fairly extreme lighting is  
often called for to pick up detail.
I've been going into a session with cheat sheets but you have to be  
flexible (and so, ideally, does the model!).
What works for one does not for another. It requires time, tact,  
professional distance, honesty and sometimes pure luck.
A steep but enjoyable learning curve and I've met some very  
interesting people.
I'll be doing some males I hope when I get back from my trip - that  
adds an extra level of discipline.
Andrew Fildes

On 27/05/2009, at 12:04 AM, Carlos J. Santisteban wrote:

> Not much into nude but I believe it could be quite difficult: you  
> can't "win
> by points" playing with the textures, colours etc of the clothes,  
> you have
> to "win by KO" -- there's only skin, and you have to "dress" it  
> with light
> and shadows!

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