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Re: [OM] OT - anti virus & utility programs

Subject: Re: [OM] OT - anti virus & utility programs
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 24 May 2009 07:28:49 -0400
Sorry, that last transmission was a mistake.  It was supposed to say:

Perhaps Norton has cleaned up its act by now but several years ago it 
had grown to become an enormous resource hog and was near impossible to 
completely uninstall.  Norton even published a separate application to 
uninstall what their normal uninstaller missed.  Even so, it took me a 
long time to find all the bits and pieces that the second uninstaller 
missed and some continued to show up weeks later.  I decided that any 
application that couldn't completely uninstall itself had a development 
organization that was totally out of control and I didn't want any part 
of it.

I had been a loyal Norton user for probably 10 years or more but 
switched to AVG and now to Avast.  I'm much happier and a bit richer 
since these apps have free versions.

Chuck Norcutt

John Hudson wrote:
> Is there any opinion on the pros and cons of Norton 360? I have an 
> infrequently used laptop with Norton 360 on board and the subscription is 
> due for renewal in a few days. I have not experienced any particular 
> problems with N360 but I have been told that it is a bit of a memory hog.
> My often used desk top has Norton anti-virus and Norton System Works on 
> board and they are both due for renewal in 2 days time.
> I have had heard supposedly knowledgeable folk opine that both ESET Nod32 
> and Kaspersky are preferable to the Norton brand. One criticism of Norton 
> I've heard is that it buries itself so deep within one's computer that it is 
> virtually impossible to remove completely.
> What might be the opinions of any list members who have strong opinions to 
> give ?
> jh

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