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Re: [OM] That's Not a Bokeh, This is a Bokeh

Subject: Re: [OM] That's Not a Bokeh, This is a Bokeh
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 May 2009 19:31:19 -0500
> >I opened it in PhotoShop and it was stored in sRGB.  AFAIK there is no
> > profile associated with the original image and PhotoShop issued no
> > message about changing color profiles.  Perhaps it was Adobe RGB to
> > begin with?  But I guess CH will have to advise on that one.

When you open a file for editing within a quality editor, the file needs to
be converted to the "internal" colorspace, which is a working colorspace
which isn't the same as the colorspace used for file storage.  When the file
is imported it is subject to a rendering intent. The common options are:

1. Maintain Full Gamut
2. Preserve Saturation
3. Preserve Identical Colors
4. Preserve Identical Colors and White Point
5. Preserve Identical Colors and Black Point.

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Archives: http://lists.thomasclausen.net/mailman/private/olympus/
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