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Re: [OM] Is it my imagination?NOW Hudson splashdown.

Subject: Re: [OM] Is it my imagination?NOW Hudson splashdown.
From: Bob Whitmire <bwhitmire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 7 Feb 2009 16:46:49 -0500
Ah, but you are well trained and experienced. I think, to put it more  
simply, that when the sh*t hits the fan and one does not have time to  
think things through, one falls back on training and experience and  
just does what needs to be done without a lot of hand-wringing.

--Bob Whitmire

On Feb 7, 2009, at 9:40 AM, Chris Barker wrote:

> Oh, I'm not sure that I could agree with that, Bob.  But it's
> difficult to be more objective or for us to understand exactly what
> each other means by these words.
> I reckon I'm better in adversity than when I have had too much time to
> think through the options ... :-)

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