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Re: [OM] PacNW sunsets

Subject: Re: [OM] PacNW sunsets
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 07 Dec 2008 21:38:38 -0800
Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> Ummm... vivid!

So hard to know, especially with something as vivid and evanescent as a 
sunset. Certainly, looking through the viewfinder on the teleshots, the 
sense was of drowning in color. Straight out of ACR, with no adjustment 
beyond slight exposure and blacks, they were duller than the final 
versions and duller than my memory of the original.

But what's true to what? There's no way to calibrate the color. Am I 
even trying to get the color 'correct' in some scientific way? Or am I 
trying to recreate the experience of standing on a deck with friends 
being knocked out by a whole horizon of spectacular color?

Carol walked in while I was working on one. I showed her before and 
after. She was immediately clear that the adjusted version was much 
closer to her remembered experience of the sunset.

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