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[OM] Re: OT --preferences for 32" LCD HDTV

Subject: [OM] Re: OT --preferences for 32" LCD HDTV
From: Winsor Crosby <wincros@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 12 May 2008 14:56:34 -0700

In addition the whole HDTV scheme was sold to the government as a way  
to revive the US television manufacturing industry. Obviously that  
part was part of the shell game.

Long Beach, California, USA

On / May 12, 2008 CE, at 2:21 PM, <bs.pearce@xxxxxxx>  
<bs.pearce@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> Quality of picture is perhaps not the last reason, but it sure isn't  
> number one. The vacating of the current VHF band will allow the  
> government to sell off the bandwidth to wireless providers and the  
> like for a cheap price.
> When I was first in broadcasting, the concept of public airwaves and  
> the public trust was still important, but now,,,

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