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[OM] Re: My OM gears bring me a lot of fun #9

Subject: [OM] Re: My OM gears bring me a lot of fun #9
From: AG Schnozz <agschnozz@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 12:11:13 -0700 (PDT)
Chuck Norcutt wrote:
> Yes, I've been noticing that digital is so compositionally
> restrictive.  :-)

When I wrote that, I knew I was going to get a response from our
5D owners.  :)

We laugh and joke about it, but I'm actually considering that
there might be some truth to Chuck's statement.  But not in a
physical way, but in some deep phsycological way. When shooting
film (especially large-format) you tend to work the image more
PRIOR to pushing the shutter.  We paid much more attention to
details before hand and got things right.  With digital, we have
FREEDOM!!!!  Freedom to shoot as much as we want and from every
imaginable angle.  Although we might happen upon a better
compositon, usually it is by chance--we're not sweating the

Let me illustrate:  Last year when Joel and I were up in the
Porcupines, we both photographed the same "shot".  I was
perfectly happy snapping shot after shot with the E-1, basically
shooting like a drunken sailor.  Meanwhile, Joel setup his
tripod on the edge of the cliff and didn't budge except for an
inch or two for an entire hour.  I got a lot of great shots--but
he got THE SHOT.  Recently, I went back through some 'chromes
from previous trips.  Believe it or not, I got THE SHOT with
film, whereas I blew it with digital.  Unfortunately, my film
shot was lacking for other reasons, but the composition was

Back before digital, my mode of operation was substantially
different.  Was I better photographer back then?  Yes and no. 
Technically I am a far better photographer today.  Artistically,
I think most of what I produce today is junk. I have to slow
down and revisit the old way of shooting. Digital is liberating
in so many aspects, but it is also a detriment to the creative
process.  Instead of preplanning the image, I know that I can
"fix it in post".

To summarize my thoughts on this:  Digital Photography is to
visual artistic expression what a Midi Sequencer is to Jazz.


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