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[OM] E-500 vs E-300

Subject: [OM] E-500 vs E-300
From: Andrew Fildes <afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2005 20:28:14 +1100
Still haven't heard from any of youse/youze.
Hoping to get some opinions as to -
- initial reactions to the E-500 redesign (hump vs. flat-top).
- experiences of noise with the E-300
- experiences with the cheaper lenses -14-45mm and the 17.5 to  
something or other if poss.
I know that these have been discussed but I've dumped those chats  
before getting the gig to write about it dammit. Of list is best,  
especially for deranged rants.
Grovel, beg, plead...

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