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[OM] Maine pseudo ZA meeting

Subject: [OM] Maine pseudo ZA meeting
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 20:25:45 -0700
One pleasant part of our vacation was a visit with Bob Whitmire. 
Scheduling difficulties and problematic cell phone reception in the area 
limited the time available, but we did manage to find one pint worth of 
time in his local watering hole with a nice view of the picturesque 
little harbor Round Pond.

There are no pictures to document this meeting, as no Oly cameras were 
present, although some were discussed. Good company and good beer seem 
to have been more important.....

I can confirm two things from this meeting. First, Bob is indeed the 
consummate Southern Gentleman, as claimed, and in spite of his current 
home. A very pleasant fellow to spend some time with.

Second, he makes mighty fine images on paper. The images on his site 
show his talent at composition, but only hint at the excellent prints he 
sells. No wonder tourists buy them. We had more time to browse through 
his prints at the largest available selection of his work, at the 
Pemaquid Craft Cooperative, than to actually visit with him later. I was 
sorely tempted to buy images of a couple of things I will never likely 
see and have a chance to photograph in person. Winter Rockweed and Sea 
Smoke are a couple of exquisite examples. Only the impossibility of 
getting them home safely in my soft luggage saved me from an impulse 
purchase or two.

Thanks Bob,

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