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[OM] Re: 24mm F2 and 21mm F2 ball park prices?

Subject: [OM] Re: 24mm F2 and 21mm F2 ball park prices?
From: "Jeff Keller" <jeff-keller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 1 Jun 2005 11:46:05 -0700

Or simply figure roughly $300 for a 24/2 and $500+ for a 21/2.

The 21/2 is not seen often nor is it's hood. The 24/2 hood may take awhile
to find but you shouldn't have to pay extortion prices.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Michael King [mailto:jking@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
> I am interested in replacing my slower 24mm 
> f2.8 and 21mm f3.5 lenses with the f2 series after getting 
> some good results with the 28mm F2 and 35mm F2. Any ideas 
> approximately how much is reasonable for them? How easy is it 
> to find the hoods?...
> Regards
> James ( I can control the zuikoholism... )

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