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[OM] Re: OT - Sanity check for a Great Britain phone no.

Subject: [OM] Re: OT - Sanity check for a Great Britain phone no.
From: "Piers Hemy" <piers@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 17 May 2005 18:19:53 +0100
I think it's more precisely a Personal Numbering Service which is defined by
the regulator thusly:
Acceptable use of 070 numbers

6. The 070 range shall only be used for Personal Numbering Services, which
are defined as services "based on number translation that enables End-Users
to be called or otherwise contacted, using a single Personal Telephone
Number, and to receive those calls or other communications at almost any
Telephone Number, including Mobile Numbers". 
>From <http://www.ofcom.org.uk/telecoms/ioi/numbers/num_070_guide?a=87101>

This means that it is *not* a "dialapr0n" service; that it *is* expensive to
call; and that it is *not* possible to tell if a call to that number
actually ends up in UK.  By the nature of the number translation service,
the call could be redirected to ANY telephone number.  Just as the same
prefix followed by 44700875 does.  It will eventually find *me*, after
keeping you on hold for long enough to cover the eventual cost of the
conversation you will have with an answering service, if it has failed to
get an answer from a mobile, a landline, and a backup mobile.

It's not what you suspect, Jeff, but I would tread warily.

-----Original Message-----
From: olympus-owner@xxxxxxxxxx [mailto:olympus-owner@xxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf
Of Simon Worby
Sent: 17 May 2005 17:54
To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [OM] Re: OT - Sanity check for a Great Britain phone no.

Jeff Keller asked:

> He provided a cell phone no. +447040104xxx (x's blank last 3 digits).
> Does this phone no. correspond to a extra toll number such as the dial 
> a porn businesses use?

It's a mobile or mobile-type number. That's all. They can be quite dear to
call. But porn-type numbers are 09xxx.

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