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[OM] Re: Don't mess with me today

Subject: [OM] Re: Don't mess with me today
From: Earl Dunbar <edunbar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 09 May 2005 21:27:20 -0400
Since it doesn't look like there will be an OM-5 or OM-D, I'm hoping the 
new Zeiss Ikon (albeit totally different because its RF, not SLR), will 
be a fresh breath in the film world.  And the new lenses are stated to 
be "engineered for digital", so one could hope that an upgraded Epson 
R-D1 or even a Zeiss-badged DRF might be in the offing.

Alas, there would be another wallet-vacuum sound ...


AG Schnozz wrote:

>I'm with you Walt. They don't make cameras like they used to.  I
>think we've seen the best come and go. The golden age of the
>camera is over.  It's up to some of us to acquire some of these
>"best of the best" and keep them in use.  Personally, I'm hoping
>for somebody to just give me a bunch of unused lenses for my 4x5
>Crown Graphic.

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