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Re: [OM] scanning medium format film scanner

Subject: Re: [OM] scanning medium format film scanner
From: "Jeff Keller" <jeffreyrkeller@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 15:58:23 -0700
Epson 3200 seems pretty popular on comp.periphs.scanners

But if you're sticking to 4x5 and 5x7 prints at 300 dpi you only need

5" / 6cm x 2.54 cm/in  x 300 dpi  = 635 ppi on the scanner


----- Original Message -----
From: "John Hudson" <13874@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: "LIST - Olympus" <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 8:41 AM
Subject: [OM] scanning medium format film scanner

Is there any advice on the price, brand, and availability of medium
format [6cm x 7cm] film scanners. I am looking for something to make
scans for a web page and also possibly to produce 4" x 5" or 5" x 7"
prints. A previous generation scanner might be all I need. I already
have a 35mm CanoScan FS2710 film scanner and anything of similar or
perhaps slightly  less quality for MF would be ideal. I am not in need
of late generation adds-on or features but rather just the basic

John Hudson

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