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[OM] B&W film processing and scanning and darkroom printing

Subject: [OM] B&W film processing and scanning and darkroom printing
From: AG Schnozz <agschnozz@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 07:47:56 -0700 (PDT)
Folks, I discovered a major problem with my B&W processing.

Turns out that my pro lab has been using TMAX developer for ALL
B&W film processing.  OOPS!    To add insult to injury, they've
been using a standard timing sequence for TMAX film.

I was seeing some inconsistancies in the non-TMAX films, but had
been having problems in other areas so I couldn't pinpoint the
discrepency.  For my landscape picture, I used Ilford HP5 and
worked exceptionally hard on some shots to make sure the
exposures were perfect.  When I got the roll back, it was as
dense as I've ever seen B&W films to get.  The shadow detail was
fine, but the highlights blasted into near opaque.  There still
is detail in the highlights, but the neg's contrast will allow
me to print it on around grade 1.5-2.0 paper.

The proof, for me was the film data markings.  They were so
over-exposed that they bled.  In fact, all of my extreme
lighlights at the edge of the frame bled into the surrounding
area.  Can't imagine that is a good thing.

Here, I've been blaming the excessive graininess of non TMAX
films on the emulsion when it's actually the processing.  I
guess it's time for me to buckle down and start rolling my own. 
Or shoot exclusively TMAX 100.

Yes, I'll be having an animated discussion with my pro lab.

On a positive note, the extra development and grain kinda helped
my shot out.  Can't say that I'm disappointed in the results. 
My poor scanner can't handle the density very well, though.

BTW, I've fought and fought T400CN in the darkroom, but it is a
pleasure to scan.  Turns out that the reason why I'm fighting
T400CN is because the gamma of the film is slightly off.  If I
can figure out how to adjust the gamma in the darkroom, I'll be
OK.  It's possible that the Ilford multigrade paper is NOT a
good match for T400CN.  Does anybody else have suggestions?


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