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Re: [OM] Soligor Macro teleconverter, same as Vivitar?

Subject: Re: [OM] Soligor Macro teleconverter, same as Vivitar?
From: andrew fildes <afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 19:30:22 +1100
>I was looking at this auction for a Soligor Macro
>teleconverter 1329377661 . And it looks exactly the
>same as my Vivtar macro teleconverter. So does this
>mean my Vivtar is actually a Soligor made TC or is it
>a Vivtar made but rebadged Soligor TC. Also why in the
>world do they rebadge these things?
>Mark Lloyd

They both could be Glanz!

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