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Re: [OM] lens comparasons

Subject: Re: [OM] lens comparasons
From: "george" <geanders@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 13:43:58 -0800

>>From the photodo web site, comparable lenses followed by they photodo 
>OM 100/2 - 3.9
>Canon 100/2 - 4.2
>Minolta 100/2 - 4.4
>Nikon 105/2.5 - 4.2
>Leica Apo-Macro-Elmarit-R 100/2.8 - 4.5
>OM 90/2M - 4.2
>Leica Summicron-M 90/2 - 4.3
>Tokina AT-X 90/2.5 - 4.6
>Tamron SP 90/2.5 - 4.2
>Contax G Sonnar 90/2.8 - 4.4

This sucks!  Anybody want to buy a POS Zuiko 90/2 macro? :>)


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