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Re: [OM] Sticky rubber knobs, chest harness recommendation?

Subject: Re: [OM] Sticky rubber knobs, chest harness recommendation?
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2024 01:37:35 -0700
On 3/19/2024 8:08 PM, Peter Klein wrote:
Two questions for our collective expert mind.

1. My tripod ball head's adjustment knobs have developed "sticky rubber syndrome." So has the focusing ring on one of my lenses. The ball head is particularly nasty. It leaves a sticky/oily residue on my fingers, which can then get on other things. Does anyone know a remedy for this?

I most cases, I've found that a through, quite wet, cleaning with isopropyl 
alcohol does the trick.

2. Can anyone recommend a chest harness or other type of camera strap that spares my neck muscles when I'm out and about using a heavier lens?  I've read so many ads and reviews that I'm cross-eyed, but haven't yet seen "the one." Looking for the minimum amount of hardware to do the job comfortably.

I went through this, tried a few. I can recommend against those with elastic straps. The one I ended up liking is this one. <http://galleries.moosemystic.net/MooseFoto/index.php?gallery=Tech/Misc&image=camera_harnessweb.jpg> Just looked at it, no identifying brand or marks of any kind.I liked the way it distributed weight away from my neck and over a wide area. I haven't used it for a while. I think the on/off awkwardness?

I'm now using this OP/TECH strap, for a considerable heavier load than yours, OM-1, 100-400 and 1.4x TC, and it's working for me. <https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/118288-REG/OP_TECH_USA_1511372_Pro_Loop_Strap_Steel.html> It spreads the load well. The neoprene foam stretches and conforms to body shape. It's backed up and controlled by a much stronger elastic strap. Far more effective with a load than thinner straps.

Details re. the tripod:
I tried a cloth dampened with rubbing alcohol (70% isopropanol). This appears to partially work, but only after several applications and considerable rubbing. Internet articles are contradictory regarding alcohol, Windex with ammonia, grease-cutting dish detergent, or a "Formula 409-type general purpose cleaner--some say use this or that, some say don't.

Oops, I already tried to answer. For me, it's been less about rubbing; many/most things used to rub leave troublesome little stuff stuck in the stickiness. More about wet and flushing. I had a wireless remote shutter release that I thought I would need to throw away that cleaned up completely. That was from my Canon Rebel 300D days. All these years later, it works with OMD and the OM-1 cameras, and is still unsticky. Some other things have been less completely successful, but much improved.

The tripod is a Dolica Proline GX 650B204. I got it using brownie points my former employer gave me for exemplary tech support. Those points were only redeemable at some general consumer Web site that sold off last year's goods. So the tripod was probably cheap and cheerful, but it's worked well for 12-odd years. The manufacturer's Web site now looks like that of a "company" that is selling off everything. I sent them a message, who knows if there will be a useful response. The tripod's ball head is "sold out."

One may usually unscrew the head and replace with a new one, if necessary. There are only two standard threads, so brand mixing is fine/great. My best ever tripod, a Velbon, has a Manfrotto 410 head, midrange Manfrotto has a Velbon head, at the moment.

if all else fails, I suppose I could just wrap the knobs with gaffer tape, or 
something similar but more permanent.

Thanks in advance!

Less Sticky Moose

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