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Re: [OM] Shoot the moon

Subject: Re: [OM] Shoot the moon
From: Paul Haigney <lensmanten@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 23 Feb 2024 08:20:28 +0000
Bought a Kodak Pixpro AZ901 during lockdown, part boredom & part curiosity https://ibb.co/3rZYyBY

On 23/02/2024 07:37, Peter Klein wrote:
There was a gorgeous full moon tonight. I set up a tripod and my EM-1 Mark II on my front porch and mounted my longest lens, a 1970s Vivitar T-4 mount 300mm f/5.5.

This is cropped to 100% and sharpened by eye to my taste.

Not too bad for a 1970s lens I picked up for pocket change. It is decent at f/8 and very good at f/11. It has a T4 Nikon mount, to which I added a micro 4/3 adapter. Also helping was a very nice "pre-owned" Manfrotto pan/tilt head that I found at a camera store sale last week. Separate knobs to tighten down pitch, roll, and yaw. Nice.

Focusing was very difficult because the magnified moon's image was too bright even with the "live view boost" turned off.  And I'm not sure about using image stabilization on an imperfect tripod. Officially, we're supposed to turn IS off, but I've read that sometimes it helps, anyway.  I left it on "I.S. Auto." I took many shots with the 12 second self-timer. Some were good, some were a little blurry.  This one was the best.

I'll have to try this again on a quarter or crescent moon when there are long shadows.

Anyway, enjoy.
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