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Re: [OM] BagTalk, 2024

Subject: Re: [OM] BagTalk, 2024
From: Wayne Shumaker <om3ti@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 27 Jan 2024 16:23:36 -0700
At 1/27/2024 01:03 PM, AK wrote:
>Good question. I'm not really satisfied with my bags right now. I have
>a small go-everywhere one camera one lens bag that works well with the
>E-M1mk2 with 12-60, or the Sony with whatever lens. But I could use
>something that is just ever so slightly larger. A day hike (5 miles
>give or take) around here means that I usually take a camera with two
>lenses, the GPS, the bear spray, my keys, cellphones, TP, water,
>munchies, and a wind/rain jacket. Unlike almost everyone else, I don't
>carry "leaded bear spray" and just take my chances in that regard.
>I am headed into the city in a little bit. I might stop off at the
>camera store to take a look at bags and see if there is anything Canon
>or Sony that catches my eye.
>AK Schnozz

Never ending pursuit, the perfect bag.

For hiking I don't bring a camera bag. Instead I use a backpack depending on 
size needed. I prefer something that carries the weight on my hips. I have a 
Mountatinsmith lumbar bag with extra shoulder straps. I have an Osprey Raptor 
14, and a Patagonia backpack. Both the Osprey and the Patagonia can have a 
water bladder. Water is essential here in Arizona. With the Mountainsmith, I 
can strap a tripod on the bottom, but I never seem to use it. It has side 
pockets for water bottles.

B&H had a deal on a new Sony camera that came with a think tank Retrospective 7 
V2.0 for free. I really like that for shoulder bag. It is also pretty light, 
lighter than the equivalent Tenba Cooper 13 slim, but they are not a hiking bag.

I much prefer hydration bladder over water bottles.

And trekking poles come along. Not sure they can deter a bear though.

I would like a nice sling bag for some situations.

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