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Re: [OM] Santa Clause lenses

Subject: Re: [OM] Santa Clause lenses
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2023 21:52:06 -0800
On 12/18/2023 2:54 PM, usher99--- via olympus wrote:
IFM states:<<<Looks as though we both have as good a longish bubbler as exists. 
Agree the TTartisans is good value and a good a bubbler as the vintage.  I had 
been eyeing the real McCoy previously.
Not sure the IQ would differ by much but have no doubt the build quality would 
be nicer.

I just spent some time today looking through different lenses focused as close as they go with tiny lights at a distance. Wide open many make nice, round OoF circles. A couple do cat eyes.

A while ago, I was reading something, somewhere, where the claim was made that zooms are all essentially triplets. That made me curious, so I grabbed an old, MF zoom, and - guess what? It really bubbles! Do others do that? Zooming a bunch of oldies in the same set-up, no, mostly they don't. A lot of nice, round blobs, but not, or not much, darker in the center and very few bright edge rings. It seems that I randomly caught a zebra, then a bunch of horses.

Having just watched some of Simon's videos, I did something I've not done much before, opening and closing the aperture while watching bokeh. Suddenly, BIG differences. Those with six blades become hexagonal exercises in geometry, completely losing, to my eye, all their grace and gentleness. Even 10 blades is not so nice. And weirdness, my L39 mount Canon 50/1.2 has strange pointy spikes where the 10 blades cross. I don't know if that's typical.

OTOH, the old, pre auto diaphragm lenses with lots of blades simply make smaller, round OoF blobs or bubbles. In Simon's comparison of old Trioplan and TTArtisan, he shows how the slightly fewer blades, but with rounded profiles, of the TTA are slightly smoother.

My conclusion is that, should I be gifted with a New Trioplan, I would sell it, 
and keep the TTArtisan bubbler.

Unicorn Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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