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[OM] Olympus production date codes observation

Subject: [OM] Olympus production date codes observation
From: Iwert Bernakiewicz <iwert.bcz@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 13 Dec 2023 09:15:52 +0100
Hello everybody,

Going through my lenses and the production date codes something left me

Before 1981 the codes would be under the focussing rubber on the lenses,
where the first letter stands for the factory plant, the second for the
year, the third for the month.
After 1981 it would be the first two letters for plant, the third for the
year, the fourth for the month.

Before 81, it would be that 2= 1072, 3= 1973, 4=1974 etc..., but I have a
black-nosed 28mm f2 without MC on the name ring and the 'improved parts
construction' as seen in the exploded parts diagram, indicating production
after circa 1981, with a date code E24 under the focussing rubber, that
would mean this lens was produced in April 1972, which does not make sense,
since it was only produced from 1973 onwards and at that time all lenses
were silver nosed.

Could it be that the first coding only really started in 1973, and ran till
1982, where 3= 1973, 0= 1980, 1= 1981, 2= 1982, and the new coding started
from 1983. That would make sense in this case. I have the second white
coding on my lenses starting from 1983, but none with an A or B indicating
production  in 1981 or 1982. But I only have a set of 24 of lenses coded
this way to get data from. Another possibility: older factories than the
then new Tatsuno plant still used the old code until 1982, and the two
systems were used in parallel for a short time.

Those questions a mind can come up with... as if nothing more important
exists:). I'm living a luxurious life apparently.

All the best,

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