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Re: [OM] Anglesey was - 1000mm. In Seattle

Subject: Re: [OM] Anglesey was - 1000mm. In Seattle
From: Wayne Shumaker <om3ti@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2023 08:34:14 -0700
At 10/21/2023 01:37 AM, Alaska wrote:
>Ian wrote:
>> I am also still lurking around, still taking photos but not "developing"
>> them, currently going through a divorce which is never nice so lost a bit
>> of enthusiasm.
>Oh, I can definitely relate to that. My separation and divorce took a lot
>of wind out of my creative sails. However, one thing I realized is that I
>was using photography as an escape tool. My lawyer said something to me
>that was very important for me: Divorce isn't about the past, it's about
>the future.  I've been busy reinventing myself in multiple ways, but the
>trauma of going through it is real.
>AG Schnozz

Nothing wrong with photography escaping. Although not the same,
wife dying, photography was very helpful for me. But it is easy to
get into a creative funk. The creative process requires us to change.


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