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Re: [OM] "Anywhere she likes"

Subject: Re: [OM] "Anywhere she likes"
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2023 16:39:46 -0400
On 10/12/2023 9:40 PM, Peter Klein wrote:
We were going to shake out the sofa covers. 14 pound, 16 year-old Tilly decided to embody the joke about where the 800 pound gorilla sleeps...

I've been mostly lurking for quite a while, because I have not been photographing much. Both my wife and I have had health issues. We're going to be OK, but it's been an "interesting" ride. In my case, my first hip replacement (of March 2022) did not bond to my bone properly, and I was in a lot of pain earlier this year. I had a do-over operation in August, and am now doing physical therapy and the whole doggone thing, again. It's hard to photograph when you're using a cane and unpredictably unsteady on your feet. We did take a trip to Austin and the S. California desert in April, from which I do have a few photos.

Hello to everyone, and I hope to be contributing more once I heal a bit more.

Wonderful to hear from you, esp. that you and your wife are getting well!

Grateful and Travelin' Moose

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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