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Re: [OM] Keep or no?

Subject: Re: [OM] Keep or no?
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2022 14:30:48 -0800
On 2/19/2022 12:12 PM, Mike Gordon via olympus wrote:
<<Neither Oly nor Panny makes a prime wider than 12 mm. I wouldn't hold my 

Oly includes starry sky AF mode so why not a fast wide prime?

No idea why not, but neither P nor O has gone in that direction. OTOH, Oly's 
wide primes aren't stellar, to date.

Oly has the non-rectilinear fisheye but how about a true 7 or 8mm f1.8?

I imagine the Laowa 7.5/2 isn't good for astro? I didn't get along with it for travel; I just didn't take notes and do the EXIF. Walking around a Dzong, inside and out, juggling three cameras, didn't work for recording. 😁 Later, I think I got all of them at least labeled. By default, anything without an EXIF lens, on the E-PL7, on that trip, had to be the Laowa. But no aperture info.

Absent the need for astro, I've been pleased with my Panny 7-14/4 and 8/3.5 fishy Still waiting to see how I like the Voightländer 10/5.6 in the field. The corners are seriously stretched, but I see it as a panorama lens, where those parts get cropped.

At least it does EXIF!

Turning blue, Mike

What if the Hokey Pokey *IS* what it's all about?
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