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[OM] OT: Suggest Android phone for a couple apps only

Subject: [OM] OT: Suggest Android phone for a couple apps only
From: Mike Gordon via olympus <olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 10 Jan 2021 20:40:40 +0000 (UTC)
Cc: usher99@xxxxxxx
I never did find a cheapish android phone just to reconfigure my TAP adapter.  
One can update the firmware with a phone from the Fruit Company but not change 
defaults such as enabling F11 to be used as an actual aperture in exif.     
Today was researching how to get an estimation of avg sunlight during growing 
season taking into account shade from trees during certain sun declinations and 
shadows from the house.  I have an app that gives the sun arc in VR for any day 
of the year but that really doesn't help that much.  Then found  
SASHA---android only but seems perfect.  The developer doesn't plan to port to 
IOS anytime soon.  It looks perfect!!


The phone needs enough chops to run these apps but will have very limited use.  
Any suggestions of where to look and which phones?

Hostage to Fruit Company, Mike

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