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Re: [OM] zone-10 access outside USA?

Subject: Re: [OM] zone-10 access outside USA?
From: "Ian Manners" <void@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 24 Dec 2015 01:09:10 +0800 (WST)
Hi Jez,

> It's just you. http://www.zone-10.com is up.

Havent used downforeveryoneorjustme.com for a long
time, I forgot about it.

It's probably not just me, zone-10.com hosts DNS on
websitewelcome/hostgator which I didnt realise, we
outside of the USA call websitewelcome.com spammers
paradise. hostgator was added by by firewall to it's blacklist
lastnight due to smtp and dns attacks. is already in my RBL for ongoing spamming.
If my firewall has now listed then its
likely that other peoples firewalls have also blacklisted
that range.

zone-10.com's DNS servers are and which looks like a single point of
failure :(

Ian Manners
Of nowhere in particular.
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