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Re: [OM] New cam jitters--what utility do you use to transfer, files?

Subject: Re: [OM] New cam jitters--what utility do you use to transfer, files?
From: Mike Lazzari <watershed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 21 May 2014 00:56:16 -0700
I read the cards every day there were more than a handful of shots.
I further backed up the files to a portable hard drive, kept in a different 
place/piece of luggage from the computer.
I used multiple cards not formatting any one until both full and all other 
cards full.
  I copy files to my laptop and back them up to a large USB stick (they can be 
had up to
128 GB these days).
My routine here on the road is very similar. Our little Win8.1 transformer tablet is working out very well. However with only 64gigs we needed something else for photos etc. I added another 64gigs via a fast SD card in the slot. Ordinarily this would suffice for our usual 10day road trips but on this one it gets used as added scratch disk etc. to supplement the tablet. Main archive and tablet backup is a tiny usb3 WD elements 2tb drive. Then I syncback photos to a usb3 128gb thumb drive. This includes processed images too. Plus I save the cards as they come out of the camera. If all else fails at least processed images are in the dropbox.

Here is Lochend Cottage. Our little self-catering place here at Applecross. Trail takes off right by the front door!


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