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Re: [OM] Worms! [was Better late? [was DX 14-54 on MFT]]

Subject: Re: [OM] Worms! [was Better late? [was DX 14-54 on MFT]]
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 20 May 2014 11:47:00 -0500
> I guess I just never go there.  So many other ways to make myself unhappy.
> When I think of the difference between scanned film and digital capture, it
> helps with my equilibrium in this sort of comparison.

Yes, scanning film can put like back in perspective again.

> Have you reported this to the police yet?

Moose IS the police. :)

The only thing that I've found which will cause the worms (other than
the maize pattern on some files caused by screwed up raw processors),
is noise reduction. Some are worse than others, too. But, the point
here is that if you take a RAW file and process it and with no further
noise reduction applied, worms still appear, this is a sign that noise
reduction is happening in-camera prior to the writing of the raw file
to the memory card.

But as we all know, nothing like that EVER happens. ;)

BTW, I've never encountered this problem with an E-1 raw file.

Ken Norton
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