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[OM] microiB card reader

Subject: [OM] microiB card reader
From: Mike Lazzari <watershed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 21 Dec 2013 20:56:03 -0800
Ever see a card reader with micro B connector? Just picked up one of 
these ASUS T100a tablets for travel...


... a usb3 2tb WD Elements HD.  The hard drive uses the usb3 port which 
only leaves a a micro B port in the tablet. I want to transfer photos 
directly to the harddrive.  I can get an adapter like this ...


... but have never seen a card reader with anything but usb A male 
connectors. Basically I need a cord with micro usb B male on both ends. 
I suppose both an adapter _and_ a cord would be ideal. Then I could plug 
in the camera or the card reader. Or anything else using the std usb A 
connector when the usb3 port is occupied. The micro usb port on the 
tablet is usb2.

This tablet is great and a bargain but gheez, how about at least a 
couple of usb ports

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