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Re: [OM] Help an ignorant urbanite [was And a couple more - Bales]

Subject: Re: [OM] Help an ignorant urbanite [was And a couple more - Bales]
From: Ken Norton <ken@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2013 19:36:08 -0600
> Only in part. The stuff I found easily specified what portion of diet may be 
> straw, which apparently must be chopped. As
> it was specified in % of body weight, 11-13%, but the site assumed I knew 
> what that meant in terms of per feeding, day,
> week, whatever, I don't know what % of total feed weight that amounts to.
> In any case, it must be supplemented with real food and should not be fed to 
> pregnant cows.

That is correct. On the flip side of this equation is that you can
only use so much corn for feed and you have to add bulk to the mix.
Hay is a little different in that it contains most of the nutritional
goodies. It also costs a whole lot more. The cost per finish pound of
beef is similar regardless of the source of feed. So, it really
depends on what is available in the area. There are variations to this
which depend on the fat quantity in the beef and other traits. Hogs
are a similar situation in that it is possible to come up with a very
lean hunk of pork by adjusting feed. Chicken eggs too.

Ken Norton
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