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Re: [OM] Slide scanning service, UK

Subject: Re: [OM] Slide scanning service, UK
From: "Piers Hemy" <piers@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2013 17:32:39 -0000
I have two suggestions, Donald, neither of them back by direct experience
(except of the firms offering the services, which is very positive for other

Firstcall at
will do 100-200 for 30p each

Peak at http://www.peak-imaging.com/htmls/custom_scanning.htm will do 25+
for £2.47 each

That should give you a feel for the range (!), which might give you a feel
for how to proceed in the direction suggested by Moose

I think Firstcall will do a free sample scan or two, as their setup is
rather odd - it's a modified Carousel projector fitted in front on a D7000


-----Original Message-----
From: Donald [mailto:d1956m198d@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: 17 March 2013 19:51
To: Olympus Camera Discussion
Subject: [OM] Slide scanning service, UK

Before I look elsewhere, anyone in the UK have good things to say about any
particular slide scanning services here?

A friend is looking for a service to convert a relatively small quantity of
transparencies to digital format, and I have offered, but the friend,
probably wisely, doesn't want to test the friendship that particular way!

Any positive (or negative) recommendations welcome.


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