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Re: [OM] IMG: Automotive Design

Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: Automotive Design
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2013 13:22:23 -0400
Yup, I used to own two of them attached to one of these
But the color of mine was closer to this

It was the first car I ever owned.  Since I needed to drive to school my 
dad bought it for me for $125 in 1959 just before I turned 16.  I drove 
it from California to Texas in 1964, sold it for $200 and used exactly 
that amount of money to buy a '57 DeSoto that looked just like this. 
Not long after I sold the Ford it was stolen from the guy who bought it. 
  Last I heard it had been recovered somewhere in Kansas.  I don't think 
I'd want the Ford back but the DeSoto was a nice machine.

I never owned a camera when I had the Ford so there are no pictures of 
it.  I did (and still own) my first camera (a Petri 7s) when I had the 
DeSoto but I don't think there are any pictures of it either.  But there 
could be.

On 3/9/2013 7:22 PM, Don Holbrook wrote:
> Nice, but nothing beats a '40 Ford taillight!   <g>
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