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Re: [OM] Back into the OM System

Subject: Re: [OM] Back into the OM System
From: "Carlos J. Santisteban" <zuiko21@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2012 18:11:58 +0200
Hi all!

It's been a long time since my last post here... so many things to do, so
little time! :-(

Still with 249 unread digests, I decided to keep up with the list again --
now that I have the perfect excuse: I just purchased a "OM-D" E-M5!

Intended as a replacement/upgrade from the Lumix GF-1, so far I've used it
with my Panasonic lenses: 14/2.5 and the gorgeous Macro-Elmarit 45/2.8...
but my eye is on that 12-35/2.8 ;-)

Since I have the Fuji X100 and Leica M8 too, the GF1 became kind of a
"specialized" tool (macro, long tele, lens testing, astrophotography) and
the E-M5 will inherit that task, addressing several limitations on the GF1
and with increased performance in many aspects.

So far it's doing fine and, within its intended use, I'm very happy with
it; although I understand that, as a "general purpose" camera, it may not
be the perfect model for everything or everyone. After peeking a few of the
last digests, I've read that Moose got another one... once again, we
coincide in our camera choice, like we did years ago with the EOS-300D ;-)

Let's hope I keep on posting and enjoying this list as I did in the past!

Very glad to be here again. Cheers,
Carlos J. Santisteban Salinas
IES Turaniana (Roquetas de Mar, Almeria)
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