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Re: [OM] Site of the last self-propelled Zuikofest

Subject: Re: [OM] Site of the last self-propelled Zuikofest
From: Moose <olymoose@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 21:55:40 -0800
On 1/23/2012 5:07 PM, Ken Norton wrote:
> No, I haven't read "A Superior Death. Not sure I want to till after my
> next visit. :)

Although a fair amount of the action occurs near where you guys were, the 
primary murder is neither of the sort nor in a 
location where any of you would be. As I recall, at least one subsequent murder 
occurs at your harbor, but is not 
random, stemming from the initial one.

> Nor would I want to go there this time of year.

The novel is set in the summer.

> Ain't nobody there but them there wolves and moose. It's brutal cold there
> and has that penetrating damp coldness to the air. I'm sure the guys
> from Deadliest Catch would be right at home, though.

I've probably posted before about the wolves attacking a bull moose video I saw 
long ago. Shot from the air in winter, 
it was very dramatic. The moose was smart enough to back up against a thicket 
of trees and heavy brush, so it could only 
be approached from the front. With all that weight behind kicks, the unlucky 
wolves would fly 5-10 yards through the air 
when kicked. When about half the pack was walking wounded, they slunk off, 
looking back and snarling.

The moose don't always win, but this one did. I looked for the video on 
YouTube, but didn't see it.

> I've spent quite a bit of time exploring "Copper Country" for some
> eventual hosted Zuikofest. It may or may not ever happen, but if it
> does, I believe I've found enough equivalencies to Isle Royale to
> satisfy the "100 yards" crowd.

Hey! I'm more the 4,400 yds type. (Five miles round trip.)

> Yet, it just isn't the same.
> My next trip to Isle Royale is probably going to be with a Sea Kayak.

Looks like really seeing the park would require more than a sea kayak - or a 
long visit.

> I would also like to do the resident artist program. Yet my daughters
> and I are threatening to do a backpacking trip there too. Bummer, so
> many desires, so few lifetimes.
> Isle Royale is simply unlike any other US National Park. It's very
> unusual in that as you approach the island on the boat, the air seems
> to change. The air is just different. Sounds are different. It's North
> Woods Meets Sea.

I'd love to visit, but I am no longer interested in sleeping on the ground and 
'one ply palaces'. Guess I can't get our 
little RV over there.


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