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[OM] OM=>EOS AF confirm adapter arrived today.. uh, oh!

Subject: [OM] OM=>EOS AF confirm adapter arrived today.. uh, oh!
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 15:32:54 -0400
I got this OM=>EOS AF confirm adapter in the mail today

It looks nice and nicely made.  It also appears to have OM and EF 
flanges on it.  Unfortunately, it does not fit any of the half dozen OM 
lenses I tried to fit nor does it fit on my 5D.  The adapter's flange 
thicknesses appear to be off by at least 0.002" or maybe even double 
that.  On can start the adapter installation but as soon as the adapter 
rotates around to mating flange surfaces on either lens or body it stops 

I've sent a (nice) note to the seller and am awaiting a reply.

Chuck Norcutt
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