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[OM] (OT) Sick Like Dog

Subject: [OM] (OT) Sick Like Dog
From: Bob Whitmire <bwhitmire@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2011 11:19:24 -0400
Well, I managed to acquire a bona fide case of the genuine flu, not one of 
these viral cold wannabes. It has taken me out of the game for a while. I 
regret that I can't possible keep up with the list, so I'm not even going to 
try. Here's hoping a few more days and things will be better.

I don't like the flu. It reminds me of the plague. Yes, that's metaphorical. 
Hell, it's a wonder I can even spell metaphorical with the condition my 
condition is in.

'till we meet again.


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