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Re: [OM] QR plate recommendation

Subject: Re: [OM] QR plate recommendation
From: "Daniel Sepke" <daniel.sepke@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2011 09:28:00 -0500

I would agree that the initial cost to get into Arca plate systems are
higher in comparison than Manfrotto but I believe they offer a better
universal system. There are several makers to select from for plates and
heads at several price points. I also firmly believe it really is a system
just like the cameras we buy and should be considered as such.

When I purchased my first tripod (a Manfrotto) I looked long and hard at the
options and balked at the prices of Arca compatible designs initially. With
models like the Monoball at near $400 and then the plates on top it was hard
to justify to me at the time. But as I looked at the other systems out there
issues like the one you describe came up and I was never impressed by the
solutions if one existed*. The lack of a single standard for plates in the
Manfrotto range was big a factor in putting me off their designs despite
their many good features. After reading this article
<http://www.bythom.com/support.htm> by Thom Hogan I was convinced that the
Arca design especially that offered by Really Right Stuff was a superior
*plates with pins are not a solution unless your camera/lens has the hole
for it which most SLR's don't. I strongly believe it is the rubber grip pads
on the plates that are the real cause of the problem. The pads just add
instability to the mating of the plate to the camera and thus allow rotation
and flex. The grip the rubber is intended to provide can only do so much
before it slips.

So how did I solve the problem of cost? My initial purchase was the
competitively priced Acratech head which is a quirky design but closer to
the Manfrotto pricing. Since then I have added a second tripod and a RRS
40mm head. I have acquired plates used on eBay and from Kirk who offer close
copies of the RRS products at a lower price point. Of late I have started to
see Chinese made Arca compatible plates offered direct on eBay at very steep
discounts. While I don't own one Benro made Acra designs are even closer to
Manfrotto pricing from a quick browse of B&H.

Maybe I drank the cool aid but I have never regretted the investment I have
in Acra plates and heads. In use they are transparent in the same way as the
dust busters on my E-1/3/410/420/5/620 have "just" worked (I have never once
even considered having clean a sensor on these cameras). Also the resale
value on the plates does help offset some of the cost when you change bodies
for example I sold my old E-1 plate last year for about half what I paid for
it 5 years ago.

Dan S

-----Original Message-----
From: Chuck Norcutt
Subject: Re: [OM] QR plate recommendation

Arca type plates can be very expensive.

Chuck Norcutt

On 2/25/2011 9:25 AM, AS wrote:
> I wanted to ask a similar question. For a Manfrotto 496rc2 I read a
> something in which the person suggested arca type of plates.  Are
> plates interchangeable? And what should I look for?
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