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Re: [OM] You know you are in Iowa...

Subject: Re: [OM] You know you are in Iowa...
From: Joel Wilcox <jfwilcox@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 08:24:03 -0500
You are an economist, correct?  No offense intended, but I'm surprised
you would characterize an issue so nuanced quite so broadly.  Isn't it
quite complex, since it involves food supply and who controls what and
how whole countries compete in the world for markets?  It has nothing
to do with welfare other than the fact that governments are involved.
Domestic sources of food are literally of biblical significance in the
scheme of things.  What actually is more fundamental?  I'm quite
certain that no one would care about a small family farmer if there
weren't something distinctly chilling about corporations controlling
food supply  Sorry if I'm missing something here.  I'm not learned in
this area.

Joel W.

On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 12:54 AM, Nathan Wajsman<photo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yeah, and most farmers would not survive without subsidies and various
> other largesse from the Federal Government, so they are effectively
> welfare recipients, just without the stigma that the welfare
> recipients in cities experience.
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