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Re: [OM] IMG: Backyard Visitor

Subject: Re: [OM] IMG: Backyard Visitor
From: Chris Crawford <chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 19:04:32 -0500
A few years ago I took my son, who was 8 yrs old at the time, to a reptile
show that was held here in Fort Wayne. He thinks snakes are cool and wanted
to go see the snakes people would have for sale there.

There was a little girl there, maybe 12 yrs old at the time, who had a HUGE
python. It was laying on a 2 meter long table and it was long enough that it
went the full length of the table and curved back so its tail and head met
up! This snake had a giant lump in its middle. The girl was bragging about
how she had fed it a LIVE rabbit that morning!

Chris Crawford
Photography & Graphic Design
Fort Wayne, Indiana

http://www.chriscrawfordphoto.com  My portfolio

http://blog.chriscrawfordphoto.com  My latest work!

http://www.plumpatrin.com  Something the world NEEDS.

On 1/10/09 5:33 PM, "Wayne Harridge" <wayneharridge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>> But I would not recommend that you play with most of the
>> snakes in Oz or 
>> a select few in the US.
> I'd agree with that for the Oz snakes.
> One of the women who works in our office brought her pet python (dunno what
> variety) into the office a few weeks ago as a few people were interested in
> seeing it.  The snake was about 60cm long and obviously used to being
> handled but a few people in the office "freaked" out and she had to take him
> (the python) home immediately.  It was interesting to see who "freaked out"
> and who acted rationally !
> ...Wayne

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