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[OM] Re: Chuck's 'round-the-country tour - Yellowstone

Subject: [OM] Re: Chuck's 'round-the-country tour - Yellowstone
From: Dean Hansen <hanse112@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 15:06:17 -0500
A trip to Yellowstone NP, even if only for a couple days, could include 
an hour or more tour with a guide covering how the extensive forest 
fires of 20 or so years ago have affected the Park.  Old Faithful will 
be around for awhile;  the fires were a once-in-a-couple-lifetimes 
event.  If there's not enough time (seems as though there never is) to 
get into the woods, see if there's an evening slide show with before, 
during, and after views of the same landscape. 

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