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[OM] Re: Another plea for remaining on topic and a bit of hypocrisy on m

Subject: [OM] Re: Another plea for remaining on topic and a bit of hypocrisy on my...
From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 15 Sep 2005 14:00:10 -0400
Andrew Dacey wrote:
> In the case of using my scanner, my current computer setup is
> inadequate in a number of ways (plan to move in the near future so
> this will hopefully be remedied soon). Using my scanner is awkward and
> inconvenient; I can do it but it's not enjoyable. This is a due to the
> way my computer is setup, not the hardware. Related to this is that I
> find working at my home system for long periods of time very
> uncomfortable lately. So, the desire to scan film and get the scans to
> a point where I can post them online is very low for me.

I destest scanning of all forms.  Consequently, I'm not shooting much 
film at all these days but, when I do, I send it to a place that will 
develop and make a modest resolution scan (2MP) and place them on a CD.

I can then review the images and print any that might be worth printing 
as 4x6" prints since 2MP is plenty big enough for that or even a 5x7. 
If I've got something good that I'd like to work on or make bigger I can 
scan just those few images... and they are few.

Chuck Norcutt

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