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[OM] Re: New Base for OM Lenses

Subject: [OM] Re: New Base for OM Lenses
From: AG Schnozz <agschnozz@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 11:12:08 -0700 (PDT)
>  However, the fast focus, low light focus, high ISO
> performance and high sync speed of the 20D are still a siren
> song for me.  But I haven't committed either way so far.

My problem is that I do recognize the 20D for what it is:  An
excellent camera.  With an OM-EOS adaptor, I could be quite
happy with the camera as a second body.

And the 5D will be positioned as such that a large percentage of
20D owners will jump.  This, of course, will drive down the
resale price of 20D kits which means I might be able to pick one
up for an affordable price.  But, for right now, I still have a
problem following the masses.

Regardless, my financial committment to the Olympus digital line
is pretty minimal and I could bail without too much pain.  Not
that I want to or plan to, but if the continuance of the 4/3
system isn't healthy for my business I will do what I must.


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