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RE: [OM] OT copyright question

Subject: RE: [OM] OT copyright question
From: AG Schnozz <agschnozz@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 1 May 2003 13:14:31 -0700 (PDT)
> Take a look at what Philip Greenspun has done (including the
> links to the infringers....

My big problem with what PG has done is that he has contributed
to the cheepening of our product.

We can't make any money as stock photographers anymore thanks to
all the various royalty-free garbage out there.  I say garbage
because much of it is (outtakes, dupes, etc) and pretty stale
stuff.  The "users/buyers" have lowered their own standards.

Case in point...

Three years ago I submitted to a calendar company that didn't
want to even look at my stuff because it wasn't medium/large
format.  "Even 645 isn't good enough for our calendars.  I want
6x7 or 4x5".   (I recognized many pictures in his previously
printed calenders that were taken by photographers that ONLY
shoot 35mm and dupe onto 4x5 or 6x7 for submissions)

Now, that very same company has decided that "PhotoCDs" are good
enough and who cares if they are in use elsewhere.

It has changed my business model.  I don't expect much of any
income from stock anymore.


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