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Re: [OM] Blurry Digital images, clear OM shots

Subject: Re: [OM] Blurry Digital images, clear OM shots
From: Winsor Crosby <wincros@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 30 Jan 2003 07:50:26 -0800
I talked to a girl who hated the E-10 because "all  pictures were blurry" .
She was shooting hand held inside without flash.   I couldn't get across to
her the possibility that it's not a bad camera, it's that digital cameras
have shutters too, she should have used flash or atleast have been aware of
the shutter speed.  Also, she said the E-10 wasn't "cute" enough.........ugh
John Hermanson  www.zuiko.com
Camtech, Olympus Sales & Service since 1977
21 South Lane, Huntington NY 11743-4714
631-424-2121 For Free Olympus manuals,
please call 1-800-221-3000

It is no accident that Canon marketed their cute, tiny cameras in the US as Elf, er, I mean Elph. Adorability is worth money. :-)
Winsor Crosby
Long Beach, California

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