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Re: [OM] 8000dpi

Subject: Re: [OM] 8000dpi
From: "John A. Lind" <jlind@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 23:43:37 +0000
At 04:07 2/12/02, you wrote:
"From what I was able to determine, 8000 dpi is centered at about the limit
of film information content in pixels.  Some films have a little more and
other films have a little less. "

But a drum scanner can extract the same information out of a much bigger
negative, most well in excess of 8x10.

Bill Pearce

I have not used drum scanning as it is too expensive; its cost cannot be justified for what I'm doing. If I interpreted what you have stated correctly, and if I understand drum scanning properly, you're right.

As I understand it, an 8000 dpi drum scanner will produce just that, 8000dpi from whatever is put on the drum if it will fit on the drum. From one big enough for 8x10 sheet film, that works out to a whopping 64,000 by 80,000 pixel digital image! That's a "make it Super Size" digital file! Hmmmm, need an ultra high definition wall mural? Maybe an 8x10 view camera is just the thing for it!

-- John

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