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Re: FRAUD ALERT! (was: [OM] Macro kit (complete info to contact the sel

Subject: Re: FRAUD ALERT! (was: [OM] Macro kit (complete info to contact the seller))
From: *- DORIS FANG -* <sfsttj@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 22:56:39 -0500 (EST)
  I must admit that the attitude expressed by Mr. Steinman appalled me.
First, if you really believe a person would act that way towards you, why
would you want to touch/own anything they owned ? I want the best of vibes
in my photo equipment. Nothing less will do. 
  Second, the part about suing the person who bought the stuff seems
repulsive to me. How is it their fault ? Why would you inflict legal 
BS upon them and ruin their enjoyment of the things they just bought? 
  Maybe I'm too naive, and this is how everything works nowadays in this
world, but not for me. The few people I have dealt with on this list were
truthful, honest and acted like my friends, not fiduciary barracudas.
Their good will translates into good feelings from using the stuff.
  Maybe the world doesn't end with bangs, whimpers or men shooting each
other in the streets, but with ill-will, anger, and threats in a court of
law. This has been a very sad thing to see here.  Maybe I should watch
Judge Judy more often...It's only camera stuff, Jan. Be happy. 

                                 *= Doris Fang =*

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